Dynamic programming is essential for keeping code clean, tidy and reusable. For this purpose we always need to get information about objects, types, elements (whatever) at runtime. For example, you have to log some kind of event and you need to include the report name which triggered the related event. Basically ABAP developers check sy fields in the first place. In this situation we can get the solution by using sy-repid however when you need the current function name at runtime that variable gives the function group program name which won't work for us. For finding function name at runtime, you can use the code below.
DATA : lt_callstack TYPE sys_callst ,
ls_callstack LIKE LINE OF lt_callstack.
*** Get Stack
max_level = 0
et_callstack = lt_callstack.
LOOP AT lt_callstack INTO ls_callstack
WHERE eventtype = 'FUNC'. " Get Last FUNC Call
*** Set Function Name
e_function_name = ls_callstack-eventname.