Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Replace/Remove Specified Characters From String

*** Here we check GV_STRING has any chars other than
*** legal_chars value. If anyone has we replace the value.

DATA legal_chars TYPE string
DATA lv_char_value(255)" give max length

lv_char_value gv_string.
CHECK NOT lv_char_value CO legal_chars ).

lv_length strlengv_string ).

DO lv_length TIMES.
  lv_i sy-index 1.
  IF NOT lv_char_value+lv_i(1CO legal_chars.
    "We get the illegal char , do what you want
    lv_char_value+lv_i(1' '.

CLEAR gv_string.
gv_string lv_char_value.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Variant Creation At Runtime

  DATA :   l_variant         TYPE rsvar-variant ,
           l_s_vari_desc     TYPE varid,
           l_t_vari_contents TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsparams,
           l_s_vari_contents TYPE rsparams,
           l_t_vari_text     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF varit,
           l_s_vari_text     TYPE varit.

 l_variant = 'NAME_OF_VARIANT'.

*** Main data
  l_s_vari_desc-mandt = sy-mandt.
  l_s_vari_desc-report = 'REPORT_NAME'.
  l_s_vari_desc-variant = l_variant.
  l_s_vari_desc-flag1 = space.
  l_s_vari_desc-flag2 = space.
  l_s_vari_desc-transport = 'F'.
  l_s_vari_desc-environmnt = 'B'.   "Variant for background
  l_s_vari_desc-protected = space.
  l_s_vari_desc-secu = space.
  l_s_vari_desc-version = '1'.
  l_s_vari_desc-ename = sy-uname.
  l_s_vari_desc-edat = sy-datum.
  l_s_vari_desc-etime = sy-uzeit.
  l_s_vari_desc-aename = space.
  l_s_vari_desc-aedat = space.
  l_s_vari_desc-aetime = space.
  l_s_vari_desc-mlangu = sy-langu.

  l_s_vari_contents-selname = 'S_SELOPT'.
  l_s_vari_contents-kind = 'S'.
  l_s_vari_contents-sign = 'I'.
  l_s_vari_contents-option = 'CP'.
  l_s_vari_contents-low = 'A*'.
  APPEND l_s_vari_contents TO l_t_vari_contents.

  l_s_vari_contents-selname = 'P_BUKRS'.
  l_s_vari_contents-kind = 'P'.
  l_s_vari_contents-sign = 'I'.
  l_s_vari_contents-option = 'EQ'.
  l_s_vari_contents-low = 'AABB'.
  APPEND l_s_vari_contents TO l_t_vari_contents.

*** Description
  l_s_vari_text-mandt = sy-mandt.
  l_s_vari_text-langu = sy-langu.
  l_s_vari_text-report = 'REPORT_NAME'.
  l_s_vari_text-variant = l_variant.
  l_s_vari_text-vtext = l_variant.
  APPEND l_s_vari_text TO l_t_vari_text.

*** Del variant if any exists with the same name (Optional)
      report                    = 'REPORT_NAME'
      variant                   = l_variant
*     SUBC                      =
     not_authorized            = 1
     not_executed              = 2
     no_report                 = 3
     report_not_existent       = 4
     report_not_supplied       = 5
     variant_locked            = 6
     OTHERS                    = 7

      curr_report               = 'REPORT_NAME'
      curr_variant              = l_variant
      vari_desc                 = l_s_vari_desc
      vari_contents             = l_t_vari_contents
      vari_text                 = l_t_vari_text
      illegal_report_or_variant = 1
      illegal_variantname       = 2
      not_authorized            = 3
      not_executed              = 4
      report_not_existent       = 5
      report_not_supplied       = 6
      variant_exists            = 7
      variant_locked            = 8
      OTHERS                    = 9.

Input parameters for ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE Functions . - SAP Lock Mechanism -

A closer look at the lock FM parameters which is used commonly by transactional processes.



A further parameter X_ that defines the lock behavior when the initial value is passed exists for every lock field . If the initial value is assigned to and X_, then a generic lock is initialized with respect to . If is assigned the initial value and X_ is defined as X, the lock is set with exactly the initial value of .

Well , this means if you need a parameters initial value to lock , you must set X_ = 'X' for this purpose otherwise it locks entire values.


1: Locks or lock releases are not passed to the update program. The lock is removed when the transaction is ended.
2: The lock or lock release is passed to the update program. The update program is responsible for removing the lock. The interactive program with which the lock was requested no longer has an influence on the lock behavior. This is the standard setting for the ENQUEUE function module.
3: The lock or lock release is also passed to the update program. The lock must be removed in both the interactive program and in the update program. This is the standard setting for the DEQUEUE function module.

Meaning of the _SCOPE Values
_SCOPE = 1
The lock belongs only to the dialog owner (owner_1), and therefore only exists in the dialog transaction. The DEQUEUE call or the end of the transaction, not COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK, cancels the lock.
_SCOPE = 2
The lock belongs to the update owner (owner_2) only. Therefore, the update inherits the lock when CALL FUNCTION ‘…‘ IN UPDATE TASK and COMMIT WORK are called. The lock is released when the update transaction is complete. You can release the lock before it is transferred to the update using ROLLBACK WORK. COMMIT WORK has no effect, unless CALL FUNCTION ‘…‘ IN UPDATE TASK has been called.
_SCOPE = 3
The lock belongs to both owners (owner_1 and owner_2). In other words, it combines the behavior of both. This lock is canceled when the last of the two owners has released it.


S (read lock) 
E (write lock) 
X (extended write lock)
O (optimistic lock)

Locks Modes
Type of Lock
Lock mode
Shared lock
S (Shared)
Several users (transactions) can access locked data at the same time in display mode. Requests from further shared locks are accepted, even if they are from different users. An exclusive lock set on an object that already has a shared lock will be rejected.
Exclusive lock
E (Exclusive)
An exclusive lock protects the locked object against all types of locks from other transactions. Only the same lock owner can reset the lock (accumulate).
Exclusive but not cumulative lock
X (eXclusive non-cumulative)
Whereas exclusive locks can be requested several times by the same transaction and released one by one, an exclusive, non-cumulative lock can only be requested once by the same transaction. Each further lock request will be rejected.
Optimistic lock
O (Optimistic)
Optimistic locks initially behave like shared locks and can be converted into exclusive locks. See Optimistic Locks.


Initial Value: The lock request or lock release is sent directly to the lock server.
X: The lock request or lock release is placed in the local lock container. The lock requests and lock releases collected in this lock container can then be sent to the lock server at a later time as a group by calling the function module FLUSH_ENQUEUE.


Initial Value: If a lock attempt fails because there is a competing lock, the exception FOREIGN_LOCK is triggered.
X: If a lock attempt fails because there is a competing lock, the lock attempt is repeated after waiting for a certain time. The exception FOREIGN_LOCK is triggered only if a certain time limit has elapsed since the first lock attempt. The waiting time and the time limit are defined by profile parameters.


If X is passed, the DEQUEUE function waits until the entry has been removed from the lock table. Otherwise it is deleted asynchronously, that is, if the lock table of the system is read directly after the lock is removed, the entry in the lock table may still exist.

Exceptions of the ENQUEUE Function Module

FOREIGN_LOCK: A competing lock already exists. You can find out the name of the user holding the lock by looking at system variable SY-MSGV1.
SYSTEM_FAILURE: This exception is triggered when the lock server reports that a problem occurred while setting the lock. In this case, the lock could not be set.

 Ref : The SAP Lock Concept

 Ref : SAP Documentation LOCK OBJECTS

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Scheduling Background Job At Runtime - ABAP

data : gv_job_name type btcjob ,
         gv_jobcount type btcjobcnt,
         gv_variant type rsvar-variant.
constants : gc_bg_repid type sy-repid value 'ZZZZ_PROGRAM_NAME'.
data : gv_step like tbtcjob-stepcount.

*** Simply we initiate the operation
gv_job_name = 'NAMEOFJOB'.
call function 'JOB_OPEN'
jobname = gv_job_name
jobcount = gv_jobcount
cant_create_job = 1
invalid_job_data = 2
jobname_missing = 3
others = 4.

*** Submit the report and needed variant name
gv_variant = 'VARIANT111'.
call function 'JOB_SUBMIT'
authcknam = sy-uname
jobcount = gv_jobcount
jobname = gv_job_name
report = gc_bg_repid
variant = gv_variant
step_number = gv_step
bad_priparams = 1
bad_xpgflags = 2
invalid_jobdata = 3
jobname_missing = 4
job_notex = 5
job_submit_failed = 6
lock_failed = 7
program_missing = 8
prog_abap_and_extpg_set = 9
others = 10.
*** here gv_step equals to 1 as a first step
*** You can multiple steps by using the job_submit function

*** Use Another variant or report for the second step
gv_variant = 'VARIANT222'.

call function 'JOB_SUBMIT'
authcknam = sy-uname
jobcount = gv_jobcount
jobname = gv_job_name
report = gc_bg_repid
variant = gv_variant
step_number = gv_step
bad_priparams = 1
bad_xpgflags = 2
invalid_jobdata = 3
jobname_missing = 4
job_notex = 5
job_submit_failed = 6
lock_failed = 7
program_missing = 8
prog_abap_and_extpg_set = 9
others = 10.

*** here gv_step equals to 2 as a second step
*** Finally release the job.

*** According to your scheduling options lots of input

*** parameters exist inside the function
*** You've got your job number

call function 'JOB_CLOSE'
jobcount = gv_jobcount
jobname = gv_job_name
strtimmed = 'X'
* RET =
cant_start_immediate = 1
invalid_startdate = 2
jobname_missing = 3
job_close_failed = 4
job_nosteps = 5
job_notex = 6
lock_failed = 7
invalid_target = 8
others = 9.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Flex Builder Configuration - Changing Locale Setting

Add the following lines inside the FlexBuilder.ini file.



Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Set Listbox Values At Selection Screen

When you hit F8 , the p_par will have the key fields value of selected list item.

*** Type Pool
type-pools : vrm.
*** Her's the definition of listbox parameter
parameters : p_par type mara-mtart as listbox visible length 15.

*** Event Block
at selection-screen output.
  perform at_sel_output.


*&      Form  at_sel_output
form at_sel_output.

  data : lt_list  type vrm_values with header line .

  lt_list-key = 'K1'.
  lt_list-text = ' First One'.
  append lt_list.
  lt_list-key = 'K2'.
  lt_list-text = ' Second One'.
  append lt_list.
  lt_list-key = 'K3'.
  lt_list-text = ' Third One'.
  append lt_list.

  call function 'VRM_SET_VALUES'
      id              = 'P_PAR'
      values          = lt_list[]
      id_illegal_name = 1
      others          = 2.

endform.                    "at_sel_output

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Get print parameters and submit report to sap spool

      DATA: p_parameters TYPE pri_params,
            a_parameters TYPE arc_params,

          archive_mode           = '1'  " Just print
          out_parameters         = p_parameters
          out_archive_parameters = a_parameters
          valid                  = valid
          invalid_print_params   = 2
          OTHERS                 = 4.

      CHECK valid EQ 'X'.

  SUBMIT zz_your_report_name WITH p_submit EQ 'X'               
                 TO SAP-SPOOL
                 SPOOL PARAMETERS p_parameters
                 ARCHIVE PARAMETERS a_parameters
                 WITHOUT SPOOL DYNPRO.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Smartforms related standart demo programs

SF_BATCH_GENERATE              Program for Generating SMART FORMS in Batch
SF_EXAMPLE_01                         Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms
SF_EXAMPLE_01_BACKUP       Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms
SF_EXAMPLE_02                         Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms
SF_EXAMPLE_02_BACKUP       Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms
SF_EXAMPLE_03                         Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms
SF_EXAMPLE_03_BACKUP       Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms
SF_TOTALS                                  Examples for Totalling Different Currencies
SF_XSF_DEMO                            Smart Forms: XSF Output - Demo Program
SF_XSF_DEMO_MAIL                Send Form and Graphics by E-Mail

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Display / Delete Application log (Bal Log)

*** Delete Given log
         call function 'BAL_DB_DELETE'
              i_t_lognumber            = lognumber
              i_in_update_task         = space
              i_with_commit_work       = space
              no_logs_specified        = 1
              others                   = 2.

*** Display Given logs

      data: begin of lt_log occurs 10,
              lognumber like balhdr-lognumber,
            end of lt_log.

      refresh lt_log.
      lt_log-lognumber = lognumber . " log
      append lt_log.

      call function 'APPL_LOG_DISPLAY_WITH_LOGNO'
          lognumbers   = lt_log
          no_authority = 1
          others       = 2.
      if sy-subrc NE 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

IDOC Data Display and Delete

There are two usefull functions for display and delete IDOC data.

First function which displays a single idoc data is no different than we02 transaction. It displays idoc data using a tree structure.

      call function 'EDI_DOCUMENT_DATA_DISPLAY'
          docnum               = gv_docnum
          no_data_record_found = 1
          others               = 2.
      if sy-subrc NE 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

The ohter function which deletes given idoc data helps you to remove idoc related data from edidc , edids and
edi40 (OR edi30c OR edidoc , for older versions) . However you can do it using we11 transaction. Using the standart reports is always recomended. There may be much more idoc related data to remove like application log. Here i just give you an opinion about the function modules behaviour.

          call function 'EDI_DOCUMENT_DELETE'
            document_number        = gv_docnum
            idoc_does_not_exist    = 1
            document_foreign_lock  = 2
            idoc_cannot_be_deleted = 3
            not_all_tables_deleted = 4
            others                 = 5.
        if not sy-subrc is initial.
          message id sy-msgid type 'I' number sy-msgno
              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Call Default Table/View Maintenance Screen (SM30)

The example below shows calling maintenance screen (SM30) using a function module. Especially if you'd like to fix a value like company code , simply add values to dba_sellist and that's it. Maintenance just works for the fixed values. First col. value is fixed at the screenshot.

data : rangetab type table of vimsellist with header line.

rangetab-viewfield = 'BUKRS'.
rangetab-operator = 'EQ'.
rangetab-value = p_value.
rangetab-tabix = 2.
rangetab-converted = 'X'.
append rangetab.

action = 'U' " Update 'S' Show
view_name = 'TABLE_OR_VIEW_NAME'
check_ddic_mainflag = 'X'
dba_sellist = rangetab[]
client_reference = 1
foreign_lock = 2
invalid_action = 3
no_clientindependent_auth = 4
no_database_function = 5
no_editor_function = 6
no_show_auth = 7
no_tvdir_entry = 8
no_upd_auth = 9
only_show_allowed = 10
system_failure = 11
unknown_field_in_dba_sellist = 12
view_not_found = 13
maintenance_prohibited = 14
others = 15.
if sy-subrc NE 0.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Transaction Codes For SAP Data Archiving

  • DB15
  • AOBJ
  • SARA
  • SARI
  • FILE
  • SF01
  • OAC0
  • ACLA
  • AFX_WB
  • AS_AFB

Link for SAP online doc :

Friday, September 4, 2009

Convert Float To Packed Number

 We can use the round function to convert any FLTP value to packed number. Technically it is a rounding operation also. After having the rounded value in packed format , you can easily arrange your display format etc.

DATA fl TYPE float.


*** Just to try
fl '-199.22' .

    decimals      2
    input         fl
    sign          'x'
    output        pc
    input_invalid 1
    overflow      2
    type_invalid  3
    OTHERS        4.

IF sy-subrc > 0.
*** Sth Wrong

*** Now you’ve got your rounded value ”pc”


Split Large Char Field Into Table

To Split a large char field into table , you can use the function below. You may say , there are lots of alternative keywords and functions for this approach. Here’s the difference of  this function ; It separates given character field considering the white spaces and fills the given tables 1st component which must be char type and has any given length. Table can have only one component.
This function is very usefull when you need to split a given free text into fixed lentgh parts (sap script texts ) .
Text Field Type C
DATA : free_text(10000).

*** Table to fill Splitted lines

DATA : BEGIN OF lt_table OCCURS 1,
filed(10) ,
other_field TYPE i ,
n_filed TYPE n ,
p_field TYPE p ,
END OF lt_table .
*** Dummy Text
free_text = ’123 123 12345678 12345678567890Z 1234567 3243324′.
*** Function To Split large Char. Field Into Table
iv_textline         = free_text
*    iv_preserve_space   = ’X'   if you like to preserve spaces
et_fragments        = lt_table[]
wrong_fragment_type = 1
OTHERS              = 2.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
” Sth wrong

Cloud computing Nedir ?

Cloud computing , son zamanlarda sıkça rastlanan ve üzerinde durulan bir konu olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Terim olarak yabancı olsak da , bu mimari tabanlı servisleri donanım/yazılım anlamında birçoğumuz kullanmaktayız. Özellikle de Web 2.0 teknolojileri geliştikçe , bu anlamda yapılabilecekler sınırsız sayıda olmaya başladı. Web üzerinde ofis ve pdf dökümanlarına takla attırmaktan , proje diyagramları çizmeye , slaytlar hazırlayabilmekten , ayrıntılı resim işlemeye kadar her türlü olanak bize bu mimari kapsamında ve web 2.0 teknolojilerinin nimetleri sayesinde sunulmuş durumda. Bu örneklerin dışında , çok ünlü olan kurumsal yazılımlar (özellikle HR,CRM,SLA konulu) da mevcut gibi.
Netice olarak bu kavram , çok hızlı değişen/gelişen teknolojiye ve sayısı artan platformlara/yazılımlara  istinaden ortaya çıkan donanım ve yazılım upgrade etme ihtiyaçlarını ortadan kaldıran çözüm olarak düşünülebilir. Zira kullanıcı , yenilikler için yazılım ve donanımdan endişe etmek durumunda kalmadan ilgili mimari çerçevesinde sorunsuz bir kullanım gerçekleştirecektir. Aşağıdaki videoda da gençler konudan ne anladıklarını aktarıyorlar.

Submit program using variant and changing variant at runtime

 You need to submit a program in background using a variant which is fetched from specified customizing table. However there is a selection field that needed to be ignored or changed. For example , variant includes company code specification and the other selections. I have to use the variant selections without company code specification.

In this case , just before submitting the program , we can change the variant data . After gathering data we change back the variant. By the help of functions below , we kept the variant unchanged .
DATA : program TYPE rsvar-report ,
variant TYPE rsvar-variant.
DATA : lv_rc TYPE i.
DATA : variant_backup TYPE TABLE OF rsparams .
DATA : lt_values TYPE TABLE OF rsparams ,
ls_values LIKE LINE OF lt_values,
lt_objects TYPE TABLE OF vanz .
DATA : ls_varid TYPE varid.
DATA : lt_backup TYPE TABLE OF rsparams .
program = ‘ZZZ_PROG’.
variant = ‘ZZZ_VARI’.
report = program
variant              = variant
valutab              = lt_values[]
OBJECTS              = lt_objects[]
variant_non_existent = 1
variant_obsolete     = 2
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE ‘I’ NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
CLEAR : lt_backup[] , variant_backup[].
LOOP AT lt_values INTO ls_values
ls_values-low = ‘1234′.
APPEND ls_values TO lt_backup.
variant_backup[] = lt_backup[].
curr_report                     = program
curr_variant                    = variant
vari_desc                       = ls_varid
only_contents                   = ‘X’
vari_contents                   = lt_values[]
*   VARI_TEXT                       =
*   VARI_SEL_DESC                   =
OBJECTS                         = lt_objects[]
illegal_report_or_variant       = 1
illegal_variantname             = 2
not_authorized                  = 3
not_executed                    = 4
report_not_existent             = 5
report_not_supplied             = 6
variant_doesnt_exist            = 7
variant_locked                  = 8
selections_no_match             = 9
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE ‘I’ NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
CLEAR : exists.
report = program
variant             = variant
r_c                 = lv_rc
not_authorized      = 1
no_report           = 2
report_not_existent = 3
report_not_supplied = 4
IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND lv_rc EQ 0.
SUBMIT zzz_prog
WITH p_submit = ‘X’ AND RETURN.
CLEAR : gt_tab.
curr_report                     = program
curr_variant                    = variant
vari_desc                       = ls_varid
only_contents                   = ‘X’
vari_contents                   = variant_backup[]
*   VARI_TEXT                       =
*   VARI_SEL_DESC                   =
OBJECTS                         = lt_objects[]
illegal_report_or_variant       = 1
illegal_variantname             = 2
not_authorized                  = 3
not_executed                    = 4
report_not_existent             = 5
report_not_supplied             = 6
variant_doesnt_exist            = 7
variant_locked                  = 8
selections_no_match             = 9
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE ‘I’ NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to find a transaction code which calls SM30 for a specific table maintenance

 We can simply create table maintenance program using table maintenance generator tool for a specific Z table that we have . And it's the fastest way to let the user start maintaining related data. After that usually people create a transaction code for this auto-generated program to make it easily accessible from end users.

 You have a Ztable and you don't know if someone created a transaction code for the maintenance program. Go to SE16->TSTCP . There are 2 fields. First one is transaction code , type Z* and the other one is PARAM which represents the transaction code and its parameters info to call. Type *Ztable* .

Usefull FM's for this purpose :


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ABAP Confirmation Popup Screen

Before a critical operation starts , we often need user to confirm the operation just to be sure that the process wasn't started mistakenly. Simplest example for this purpose ;

data : lv_mes type string.
data lv_answer.
lv_mes = 'Your question here'.
call function 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM'
titlebar = 'Popup Title'
text_question = lv_mes
text_button_1 = 'YES'
icon_button_1 = 'ICON_OKAY' " 1st Buttons icon
text_button_2 = 'NO'
icon_button_2 = 'ICON_CANCEL' "2nd Buttons icon
default_button = '2' " Default choice - NO
display_cancel_button = 'X' " 3rd button(CANCEL) is visible or not
answer = lv_answer
text_not_found = 1
others = 2.
IF lv_answer = '1'. " 1st button has clicked
ELSEIF lv_answer = '2'. " 2nd button has clicked
ELSEIFlv_answer = 'A'. " CANCEL button has clicked

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Graphical Screen Painter Problems

If you have trouble with your screen painter , there might be several reasons. Before applying the wide range solution which is reinstalling sapgui , you can take a look at the statements below .

  1. SE38 -> Utilities -> Graphical editor (CHECK)
  2. Check your "gnetx.exe" and "eumfcdll.dll" files exists in your installation folder,
  3. check your related port 33XX(means if your system number 01 -> port -> 3301 ) is open.
  4. Check your EU_SCRP_WN32 RFC destination.