Thursday, February 2, 2012

SITIST 2011 - My Presentation

For the 2nd time Sap Inside Track Event was organized by the help of SAP Turkey and SDN community members in İstanbul. I couldn't participated first SIT İstanbul event. However I went to Ankara to be together with the community members. That was really fun. After SIT Ankara event I decided to host a session instead of being just a participant. So, on December 3rd 2011, I had a session to support this event. I think SIT events are so important for Turkish SAP community to get together and share experiences.

Blogs about the event ;

Dilek Adak
Abdülbasit Gülşen
Hüseyin Bilgen

And you can display my PRESENTATION in here.
Sitist 2011 hdereli REST With ABAP and SAP NetWeaver Gateway

* Some of the images that I've used in presentation are not mine.