Friday, November 9, 2012

Get Structure Field's Name And Value

RTTS is a great compact framework for dynamic programming approach. Sample code below shows how to get names and values of a structure components at runtime. "PERFORM get_fields" subroutine is ready to use. Values could be formatted by the help of type information provided.

DATA : ls_vekp TYPE vekp.
DATA : go_struct TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr.
DATA : go_tc TYPE REF TO cl_abap_datadescr.

DATA : ls_comp TYPE abap_compdescr.
DATA : lv_value TYPE char255.

SELECT SINGLE FROM vekp INTO ls_vekp ...

PERFORM get_fields USING ls_vekp.

*&      Form  GET_FIELDS
FORM get_fields USING p_structure.

  go_struct ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_datap_structure  ).

  LOOP AT go_struct->components INTO ls_comp.
    CHECK ls_comp-name IS NOT INITIAL.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp-name OF STRUCTURE p_structure TO .
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.

      lv_value .

      IF ls_comp-type_kind EQ cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_date.
        WRITE  TO lv_value DD/MM/YYYY.

      IF ls_comp-type_kind EQ cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_time.
        WRITE  TO lv_value.

      IF ls_comp-type_kind EQ cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_decfloat OR
         ls_comp-type_kind EQ cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_decfloat16 OR
         ls_comp-type_kind EQ cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_decfloat34 OR
         ls_comp-type_kind EQ cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_packed.

      "ls_comp-name  - FIELD NAME
      "lv_value      - FIELD VALUE


ENDFORM.                    " GET_FIELDS

Friday, October 12, 2012

The type or namespace name 'RfcConfigParameters' could not be found (are you missing ...

  SAP .NET Connector 3.0 (NCo 3.0) is very useful for developing third party .NET based programs to extend the use of processes. And it is very well explained in its standard bundled documentation unlike the old versions. After you add references , you can easily start using provided framework, SAP.Middleware.Connector . Here I won't tell you about this framework however If you have errors like "The type or namespace name 'RfcConfigParameters' could not be found (are you missing ..." instead of a successful addition ,  don't forget to check your projects target framework, Project Properties -> Application -> Target Framework . It have to be .NET FrameWork 4 .

Friday, September 21, 2012

Scan Source Code

If you need to find out where a particular string is used in a source code,

go to SE38 and run RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN 

or check ewk1 transaction code.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Split File And Path

Here is the simple solution for a problem that we frequently faced, splitting path and file name from  files full path.

DATA : lv_file_path TYPE string VALUE 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\welcome.png'.
DATA : lv_path_only type string ,
       lv_filename_only type string.

    full_name     lv_file_path
    stripped_name lv_path_only
    file_path     lv_filename_only
    x_error       1
    OTHERS        2.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here


LV_PATH_ONLY >> 'welcome.png'
LV_FILENAME_ONLY >> 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\'


  DATA :
    lt_timeticket          TYPE TABLE OF bapi_pp_timeticket,
    lt_goodsmovements      TYPE TABLE OF bapi2017_gm_item_create,
    lt_link_conf_goods_mov TYPE TABLE OF bapi_link_conf_goodsmov,
    lt_detail_return       TYPE TABLE OF bapi_coru_return WITH HEADER LINE.

  DATA :
    ls_timeticket     TYPE bapi_pp_timeticket,
    ls_goodsmovements TYPE bapi2017_gm_item_create,
    ls_link_conf_goods_mov TYPE bapi_link_conf_goodsmov,
    ls_bapi_propose   TYPE bapi_pp_conf_prop,
    ls_bapi_return    TYPE bapiret1,
    ls_detail_return  TYPE bapi_coru_return.

  ls_timeticket-orderid i_aufnr. " Order
  ls_timeticket-operation i_vornr. " Order Item

*  ls_timeticket-fin_conf = 'X'. " Finish Confirmation
*  ls_timeticket-clear_res = 'X'.
  ls_timeticket-postg_date sy-datum.
*  ls_timeticket-yield = ''.

  ls_timeticket-conf_acti_unit1 =
  ls_timeticket-conf_acti_unit1_iso = ''. " First UOM
  ls_timeticket-conf_activity1 = ''. " First Quantity

  ls_timeticket-conf_acti_unit2 =
  ls_timeticket-conf_acti_unit2_iso ''. " Second UOM
  ls_timeticket-conf_activity2 = ''. " Second Quantity

  APPEND ls_timeticket TO lt_timeticket.

  LOOP AT et_list WHERE erfmg > 0.

    CLEAR ls_goodsmovements.
    ls_goodsmovements-material   et_list-matnr.
    ls_goodsmovements-plant      i_plant.
    ls_goodsmovements-stge_loc   et_list-lgort.
    ls_goodsmovements-batch      et_list-charg.
    ls_goodsmovements-move_type  '261'.
    ls_goodsmovements-stck_type  ''.
    ls_goodsmovements-spec_stock ''.
    ls_goodsmovements-entry_qnt  et_list-erfmg.
    ls_goodsmovements-entry_uom  et_list-erfme.
    APPEND ls_goodsmovements TO lt_goodsmovements.

    CLEAR ls_link_conf_goods_mov.
    ls_link_conf_goods_mov-index_confirm 1.
    ls_link_conf_goods_mov-index_goodsmov sy-tabix.
    APPEND ls_link_conf_goods_mov TO lt_link_conf_goods_mov.


*** BAPI
      return             ls_bapi_return
      timetickets        lt_timeticket
      goodsmovements     lt_goodsmovements
      link_conf_goodsmov lt_link_conf_goods_mov
      detail_return      lt_detail_return.
  IF ls_bapi_return IS INITIAL.

*** Commit
        wait 'X'.

*** Get Confirmation Number
    LOOP AT lt_detail_return WHERE type 'I'
                               AND id 'RU'
                               AND number '100'.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
      LOOP AT lt_detail_return.

*** Check COGI
    DATA lv_mes_text TYPE string.

    SELECT FROM affw INTO TABLE lt_affw
      WHERE aufnr i_aufnr
        AND rueck lt_detail_return-conf_no
        AND rmzhl lt_detail_return-conf_cnt.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      CONCATENATE gv_temp_message '-' '------- COGI warning message'
        INTO gv_temp_message SEPARATED BY ' '.

    LOOP AT lt_affw.
      PERFORM get_text_from_message USING lt_affw-msgid
                         CHANGING lv_mes_text.

*** Set Message OK


    LOOP AT lt_detail_return.

*** Set Message ERROR


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Get Current Function Name

Dynamic programming is essential for keeping code clean, tidy and reusable. For this purpose we always need to get information about objects, types, elements (whatever) at runtime. For example, you have to log some kind of event and you need to include the report name which triggered the related event. Basically ABAP developers check sy fields in the first place. In this situation we can get the solution by using sy-repid however when you need the current function name at runtime that variable gives the function group program name which won't work for us. For finding function name at runtime, you can use the code below.

  DATA lt_callstack TYPE sys_callst ,
         ls_callstack LIKE LINE OF lt_callstack.

*** Get Stack
      max_level    0
      et_callstack lt_callstack.

  LOOP AT lt_callstack INTO ls_callstack
      WHERE eventtype 'FUNC'" Get Last FUNC Call

*** Set Function Name
  e_function_name ls_callstack-eventname.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Get Payslip PDF

*** Data
DATA gv_seqnr LIKE pa0001-seqnr,
       gv_pernr LIKE pa0001-pernr.

       gs_info      LIKE pc407 ,
       gs_return TYPE bapireturn1.

*** Function
    employee_number gv_pernr
    sequence_number gv_seqnr
    payslip_variant 'PDF'
    return          gs_return
    p_info          gs_info
    p_form          gt_form[].

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reverse Goods Issue

This code snippet shows you how to reverse goods issue.It is pretty simple.

DATA lv_vbtyp TYPE likp-vbtyp,
       lv_vbeln TYPE vbuk-vbeln.

DATA lt_mesg TYPE TABLE OF mesg ,
       ls_mesg LIKE LINE OF lt_mesg.

lv_vbeln '10000012'.

    input  lv_vbeln
    output lv_vbeln.

         INTO lv_vbtyp
        WHERE vbeln lv_vbeln" Check Document
CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.  " Check Document

        WHERE vbeln lv_vbeln
          AND wbstk 'C'.
CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.  " Check Status.

    i_vbeln                   lv_vbeln
    i_budat                   sy-datum
    i_vbtyp                   lv_vbtyp
    i_tcode                   'VL09'
    t_mesg                    lt_mesg
    error_reverse_goods_issue 1
    OTHERS                    2.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      wait 'X'.
  LOOP AT lt_mesg INTO ls_mesg" Get Messages

Wednesday, April 25, 2012



DATA :  lv_posted TYPE sysubrc,
        ls_mess TYPE huitem_messages ,
        lt_mess TYPE huitem_messages_t WITH HEADER LINE,
        ls_emkpf TYPE emkpf ,
        lt_move_to TYPE hum_data_move_to_t,
        lt_exidv   TYPE hum_exidv_t WITH HEADER LINE,
        ls_move_to TYPE hum_data_move_to,
        ls_hu_items TYPE hum_humseg,
        lv_venum TYPE vekp-venum,
        gv_temp_message TYPE string.


lv_venum '100000012'" Internal HU Number

  WHERE venum lv_venum.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
  MESSAGE 'Please enter a valid HU !' TYPE 'I'.

LOOP AT lt_vepo.
*** Move
  ls_move_to-huwbevent '0010'" Process Indicator
  ls_move_to-matnr     '01010101'" Material Number
  ls_move_to-lgort     lt_vepo-lgort"
  ls_move_to-grund     '0004'" Fixed Reason
  ls_move_to-bwart     '309'" Movement Type

  ls_hu_items-venum lt_vepo-venum.
  ls_hu_items-vepos lt_vepo-vepos.

  APPEND ls_hu_items TO ls_move_to-hu_items.
  APPEND ls_move_to TO lt_move_to.


*** Refresh
PERFORM refresh_change_stock(saplv51e).

*** Call Function
*   if_event       = lv_event
    if_simulate    ' '
    if_commit      ' '
*   if_tcode       = 'MOBIL'
    it_move_to     lt_move_to[]
    it_external_id lt_exidv[]
    ef_posted      lv_posted
    es_message     ls_mess
    et_messages    lt_mess[]
    es_emkpf       ls_emkpf.

*** Check Result
IF NOT lv_posted 1.


  MESSAGE 'Problem occured!' TYPE 'I'.

  CONCATENATE ls_emkpf-mblnr
              ' document created!'
         INTO gv_temp_message SEPARATED BY ' '.

  MESSAGE gv_temp_message TYPE 'I'.

Get Handling Unit Items From Delivery

By the help of the code snippet below , you can get handling units related with specified delivery.

LT_HUS -> Handling Unit Headers -> VEKP
LT_HUPOS-> Handling Unit Items -> VEPO

DATA i_delivery TYPE likp-vbeln.
DATA is_object TYPE hum_object.
DATA lt_hus TYPE hum_hu_header_t WITH HEADER LINE,
       lt_hupos TYPE hum_hu_item_t WITH HEADER LINE,
       lt_serialno TYPE vsep_t_rserob.

is_object-object '03'.
is_object-objkey i_delivery.

    if_lock_hus      'X'
    if_with_text     ' '
    is_objects       is_object
    et_header        lt_hus[]
    et_items         lt_hupos[]
    et_item_serialno lt_serialno
    hus_locked       1
    no_hu_found      2
    fatal_error      3
    OTHERS           4.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Change SAP Web Service Default Login Language

 We can configure web services using SOAMANAGER transaction for a long time. This application controls icf nodes regarding selected web services which makes the WS publishing process easier for us. Unfortunately last version of SOAMANAGER don't have an option to change WS login language , either SICF does not allow us to change directly related node and gives SHTTP824 error.

 I have tried a little bit to find a solution however nothing came out. So I decided to code for myself and put it into my toolbox. The program below lets you change WS default login language. After execution it opens sicf transaction by selecting the node you entered. Deactivate and activate node. It's done.



REPORT  zbcp_change_ws_langu.

TABLES icfservice.

DATA gt_nodes TYPE TABLE OF icfservice.

PARAMETERS p_lng_to TYPE sy-langu OBLIGATORY DEFAULT sy-langu.
PARAMETERS p_node TYPE icfservice-icf_name OBLIGATORY.


  SELECT FROM icfservice INTO TABLE gt_nodes
    WHERE icf_name p_node
      AND icf_langu p_lng_fr.
  IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    MESSAGE 'Node does not exists!' TYPE 'I'.

  LOOP AT gt_nodes INTO icfservice.

    icfservice-icf_langu p_lng_to.
    MODIFY icfservice.

  MESSAGE 'It''s done please reactivate node !'
     TYPE 'S'.

  SUBMIT rsicftree WITH icf_serv p_node AND RETURN.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

SITIST 2011 - My Presentation

For the 2nd time Sap Inside Track Event was organized by the help of SAP Turkey and SDN community members in İstanbul. I couldn't participated first SIT İstanbul event. However I went to Ankara to be together with the community members. That was really fun. After SIT Ankara event I decided to host a session instead of being just a participant. So, on December 3rd 2011, I had a session to support this event. I think SIT events are so important for Turkish SAP community to get together and share experiences.

Blogs about the event ;

Dilek Adak
Abdülbasit Gülşen
Hüseyin Bilgen

And you can display my PRESENTATION in here.
Sitist 2011 hdereli REST With ABAP and SAP NetWeaver Gateway

* Some of the images that I've used in presentation are not mine.

Friday, January 27, 2012

ABAP Dynamic Function Call

 Code sample below shows how to implement a dynamic function call. Actually we need that kind of dynamic function call rarely instead of static call. However it helped me a lot in a complicated scenario. Less code , less effort and a clean code...

Also you can check standard documentation in here .